As Common As Carbon is a digital poetry publication comprised of 230+ poems written, designed, and published independently by Michael Bayba.

Purchasing a membership to As Common As Carbon is the same as buying a book of poetry.

All “members” receive lifetime access to this collection after making a one-time payment.

The cost is sliding-scale, so feel free to pay as much or as little as you’d like. 100% of the profit goes directly to me, which will be reinvested in my next poetic venture.

All payments are securely managed by Stripe.

Login or select a membership level below to start reading.

Level Price  
Supporter $5.00 now. Select
Super Supporter $15.00 now. Select
Super Duper Supporter $25.00 now. Select
Patron of My Art $50.00 now. Select
Glorious Patron of My Art $100.00 now. Select
Guardian Angel $1,000.00 now. Select

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You “turn the page” by clicking one of the buttons at the bottom of the page.

Every poem is labeled with hashtags that reflect the poem’s themes and topics. To read another poem with the same topic, click the #hashtag button and you’ll navigate to a new poem with the same hashtag.

For example, if you keep clicking on the #love button, you’ll continue to read love poems. You can do this with any theme.

Or you can go to a random poem in the collection by clicking the “RANDOM” button.

There are 3 types of poems in this collection:

1. Heteroglossic-Syntesthesia (completed poems)

2. Hobonyms (words with no home)

3. Mind Jerky (epithets and other thoughts to chew on)

You’ll find a “#type” button at the bottom of the page as well, so if you want to read more complete poems, click “#heteroglossic-synesthesia” and so on.