Hi, I’m Michael 👋 My preferred pronouns are they/he

I was born in Buffalo, New York and raised in a small town nearby called Silver Creek. I majored in English Lit in college. After graduating I moved to Indonesia to teach English.
After, I returned to the US and lived in Tampa then New York City before I decided to go nomadic. I spent 4 years traveling around the Americas and landed in Mexico for a while.
Now I’m back in Buffalo to tend to my roots and spend time with my family (especially my adorable little nieces, Gloria and Dorothy).

I’ve written for as long as I can remember. I started writing poetry pretty seriously when I was 14 or 15. I was working in marketing for about 8 years, but recently quit working to pursue a career as a poet/artist.
This is my first independent publication. My goal is to create multimedia artwork inspired by my poetry.
As Common As Common is a completely solo project. I wrote all of the poems (*cough ten years ago cough*), designed and built the website, and manage all of the income and memberships.
I hope to make enough money from this project to start an LLC and begin collaborating with other artists to create dynamic digital artwork.
Thanks for your interest in my work!
If you’d like to contact me about collaborating, or just want to chop it up, or even just say hi, send an email to ascommonascarbon@gmail.com